
Hope Unites | Is Jesus Really Just

Hope Unites | Is Jesus Really Just Our world is divisive, chaotic, and stressful right now.  At times it feels overwhelming and hopeless by what we are experiencing.  It seems like every corner we turn there is another disappointment.  So where do we find hope? Can hope even begin to exist? What does hope look like in this new world? This series is about discovering hope in Christ and what that means for us today.  

Hope Unites | Why Joy Matters

Hope Unites | Why Joy Matters | Alex Hardt Our world is divisive, chaotic, and stressful right now.  At times it feels overwhelming and hopeless by what we are experiencing.  It seems like every corner we turn there is another disappointment.  So where do we find hope? Can hope even begin to exist? What does hope look like in this new world? This series is about discovering hope in Christ and what that means for us today.  

Hope Unites | What's My Center

Hope Unites | What's My Center | Alex Hardt Our world is divisive, chaotic, and stressful right now.  At times it feels overwhelming and hopeless by what we are experiencing.  It seems like every corner we turn there is another disappointment.  So where do we find hope? Can hope even begin to exist? What does hope look like in this new world? This series is about discovering hope in Christ and what that means for us today.  

Painting A New Perspective | Which Picture Do I Paint

Painting A New Perspective | Which Picture Do I Paint | Alex Hardt We are the most anxious, creative, and diverse culture in history.  We are struggling to find our identity, belonging, and purpose in life.  Jesus paints a whole new perspective on things and helps us to realize that we are enough, wanted, and needed by God rather than the world’s judgement, isolation, and brokenness.  

Hope Unites

HOPE UNITES By Alex Hardt Did you know when the sun set at night sailors   used the stars  to navigate? Stars move across the sky from east to west and some stars called rise and set stars begin and end their nightly path below the horizon. Sailors determined their heading by watching the movement of the stars the same way they watched the sun’s movement. Stars give sailors hope. No matter where they are on earth, they how to determine their direction based upon the stars. They know that if they just follow the stars they will eventually arrive at their destination. One of the things I have come to recognize is that God is like the stars in heaven. Our life can be overflowing with joy or overwhelmed by pain and yet God remains the same. Wherever we are on this planet He will guide us. I can trust in His direction because He is the one who has been here since the beginning of time and will be here through all of eternity. This gives me great hope in knowing that the one who g

Painting A New Perspective | Why Am I Here

Painting A New Perspective | Why Am I Here | Alex Hardt We are the most anxious, creative, and diverse culture in history.  We are struggling to find our identity, belonging, and purpose in life.  Jesus paints a whole new perspective on things and helps us to realize that we are enough, wanted, and needed by God rather than the world’s judgement, isolation, and brokenness.  

Painting A New Perspective | Where Do I Belong

Painting A New Perspective | Where Do I Belong | Alex Hardt We are the most anxious, creative, and diverse culture in history.  We are struggling to find our identity, belonging, and purpose in life.  Jesus paints a whole new perspective on things and helps us to realize that we are enough, wanted, and needed by God rather than the world’s judgement, isolation, and brokenness.