
Showing posts from January, 2019

Hope At Odds

HOPE AT ODDS by Alex Hardt, Associate Pastor – Youth and Young Adults “But God”—he was driven by his own rich mercy and great love. That’s good stuff right there. God is “rich in mercy.” He doesn’t just have mercy—he has mercy with all kinds of layers. Mercy that knows no end. Mercy in abundance. The Bible says that mercy triumphs over judgment. – Judah Smith 54 percent of young adults said they don’t believe their standard of living will be better than their parents’ when they get to be their parents’ age. – Biz Journal Papa Dennis, a gospel singer says, “I see many good and great things happening next year.” 79 percent of all respondents said they worry either some or a lot about having enough money when they retire. – Biz Journal Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, “My guiding belief is that we will only master the challenges of our time if we stick together and collaborate with others across borders.” More than two-thirds of Americans are stressed about the future