
Showing posts from March, 2020

Freezing the Faith | Spiritual Experiences Cultivate Commitments to Christ

FREEZING THE FAITH by Alex Hardt, Associate Pastor to Youth and Young Adults 1One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, 2and he began to teach them. – Matthew 5:1-2 FROZEN FOR GOD This month I get the amazing blessing of taking Middle School, High School, and Young Adults to winter camps/retreats. Yes, I get the joy of standing in the freezing cold waiting for mystery meat for dinner, sleeping in a smelly cold cabin (middle school boy cabins should require hazmat suits), and shaking in my boots hoping I don’t get frost bite. Okay it’s not that bad except for the middle school boys’ cabins and the fact that it’s seriously cold. I could go on and on about how cold it is, but the truth is these experiences are fun, filled with truth, build community, and give students opportunities. When Jesus went to the mount with his disciples I’m sure it wasn’t the most pleasant of environment, they are on a