Leadership Tools 6- Mission and Vision

To the moon... One of the things I love about the first man on the moon was that what they did was seemingly impossible for the time. A vision was caste and everyone got behind that vision that's why the impossible was made possible.  Often times I think we fall short in ministry because we forget to caste vision.  We get stuck on our day to day stuff that we forget the bigger picture at hand.  But I am really a proponent of vision first.  What do you dream of ... Then ask the bigger question What's God's dream? I promise you God's dream is much larger than your own.

Vision casting should not be done alone that's like trying to fly a craft propelled by giant rockets traveling at unparalleled speeds by yourself, yeah you get the point it's insane.  Vision casting should be done with your team.  I encourage you to find a time with your adult and student leaders to sit down for a few hours. I know you don't have a few hours, but this is important and will set the trajectory of your ministry.  Cancel a youth group one evening and instead have dinner with your leaders while vision casting.  I typically do this in the summer because it's less busy and it helps us plan the rest of the year.  After the vision is drafted I will take it to other spiritual leaders like my pastor to see if this is in alignment with the church and a vision that seems appropriate for our ministry.  Going to the moon is not a good vision for a youth ministry but helping individuals dream bigger God sized dreams might be.  After the draft give your team some time to finalize what your thinking. Then come together once again to caste the vision.  Having your leadership team on board prior to casting is super important and makes casting much easier.

Casting our Vision does some really important things for us and you may find it does the same for you as well:

1. It determines our Events / Programs.
> We align everything in the ministry with this vision.  So if we did an event last year but can't explain how it fits into the vision then it has to go.  If we find part of our vision is underserved then we find ways to lift that up.

2. It shapes our Messages
> We think about the themes as a team and then think about how each theme adds or detracts from the vision.  We can see if one part of our vision is being supported while another may not be.  We think about if there is balance and if we are really living out this vision to it's fullest capacity.

3.  It cultivates our Prayer Life
> What we pray about matters and we want to ask God to come alongside of us as we live out this vision.  We don't want to be flip flopping but praying with a purpose.  It's so much easier to see God's hand at work when your praying for a purpose.  As that vision unfolds your team gets excited at seeing the hand of God at work together.

4.  It helps us to say No...
> I don't like the word No and I'm really bad at saying No cause I like to please people but I have found more confidence in myself and in the ministry if I have a vision.  We can share our vision with the person who made that suggestion and ask them how it fits into the fold.  People see us less as the bad guys when we have to say no and its easier for us to communicate our reasoning other than my head is about to implode from all my work.  It also empowers our leaders to say No and to feel less pressure from parents or students because they can clearly communicate who we are, why we do things, and where we are going.  They know to that the rest of the team will support that decision.

5.  Solidifies the Team and Ministry
> When the team doesn't know where they are going it can be confusing and fustrating.  Imagine building a house with no instructions uhh bad idea.  Your team will feel more unified, they will have a sense of purpose in knowing what they are doing, and feel confident that everyone around them has their back.  Also it makes it easier for recruiting because now your asking people with a purpose and like minded direction instead of asking for individuals to just participate in a task.

Below is a sample.  Not saying its perfect but its a start on the process.

WORD - Mission and Vision

PDF- Mission and Vision

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