Leadership Tools 11- Conversation Starters

I email, text, phone, social media all day long and yet I still find it hard to communicate when I am actually sitting next to someone... What's up with that?

When you go out to eat take a look around and see how many people are one their phone instead of engaging the person next to them or across from them.  People seem to be having a tougher and tougher time engaging in conversations.  Now if your an introvert or have social anxiety imagine how much harder it might be for an individual to strike up a conversation.  We are wired to be in community with one another but it can sometimes be extremely difficult to stir up a conversation.

In junior high I would not have initiated a conversation unless forced to.  I was a very shy and somewhat awkward kid.  I would have rather slipped away into the library then to engage in a conversation.  Still to this day I sometimes struggle with striking up a conversation particularly if I don't know that person that well.  If you are a youth or small group leader, First off thank you, Secondly I emphasize with you.  My brain doesn't naturally make those connections with others and so I have to work at being engaging in conversation.

Most people would deem me as an extravert but that's probably because they see me in a leadership capacity most of the time when really I am an introvert.  I would rather walk in nature than to strike up a conversation, but God called me into youth ministry where I have to operate in this stage of uncomfortableness at times.  But I like that God has continued to push me because it has allowed me to be a better rounded individual.  It has helped me to grow in my faith, as a person, as a husband, as a dad, as a leader.

Has it gotten any easier... Yup, but it has taken a lot of work to go from super shy to somewhat outgoing.  What I have found most useful is having a few questions that I know will initiate a response.  The resource I have attached is a list of question, topics, and ideas to get conversations going.  If your leading any kid of group its essential.  To be a good leader you have to know how to engage others and these are some tools I have found helpful.

WORD- Conversation Starters

PDF- Conversation Starters

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