Leadership Tools 12- How to Measure Success


the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
"the president had some success in restoring confidence"

the attainment of popularity or profit.
"the success of his play"

a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.

It's true we tend to measure success by how popular one is or how much money one is or the results they deliver. Often times we look to celebrities instead of teachers as models of success. One's net worth or how much one owns or ones stats often times define how we view that individual. Think about the last time you were at a party and what is the first question one asks you... What do you do? They are evaluating you based upon what you do not who you are. Your level of intrigue is based upon what they value you at.

Something we also tend to do is look the other way when one has a fault but is successful. We use the excuse but look at what they've done. Like what they have done is some reason to excuse the behavior they are currently engaging in. I'm not just talking about in business but in ministry as well. We might have a volunteer who is always late but they "give" so much to the church so we ignore the behavior. Or someone who has a temper but because they have been part of the church for a prolonged period of time they are absolved of responsibility.

I've had leaders who were amazing people, had been part of my ministry for a while, and yet when given a task they would "wing it" each time. And yup, because of their natural ability they would often times do a good job. Yes there are times we have to make adjustments or "wing it" but that shouldn't be our standard of operation. God asks us to give our all and just because one gets applauses or feels good about the situation doesn't determine whether it's successful or not. So how do we measure success if it's not based upon results, praises, or the warm fuzzy feeling inside?

I believe God calls us to measure success differently.  In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus shares this parable where a owner gives gold to each of his workers and those who are faithful with the gold are lifted up, but the one who buries his gold is rebuked.  It's not a story about net worth but about how faithful one is with what they are given.  Do we use everything at our disposal to glorify God or do we give God our leftovers?  I desire to give God my all and yes sometimes I fall short, so I am thankful for people in my life who push me to achieve my best.  When thinking about our volunteers or those who serve in leadership with us, success should then be measured by faithfulness.  I do believe if we are faithful God honors that.  Below you will find some questions that help one to better understand that.  

WORD- How to Measure Success

PDF- How to Measure Success

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